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    Blog introduces Blockchain-based Certification Services partners with to offer Blockchain-based notarization services for professional certificates and credentials.

    Aviation Professionals can now get their work credentials verified in the form of an electronic Token-Certificate. Every document is validated as authentic directly when it is issued by a partner organization or by  Authenticated documents are as result easily accessible for employers from a secure and trustworthy source.

    Example of authenticated documents: licenses, medical certificates, training certificates, experience records, CVs, etc.


    A Token-Certificate:

    –  includes the originally validated document and an additional Blockchain validation proof

     – can be copied and shared without limit

     – can easily be verified by one-click check on the proof section added to the original PDF file


    Benefits of Token-Certificates

    • Your credentials are stored in a secure place accessible form anywhere
    • Employers have proof that certificates are valid
    • Documents can be copied without limit and every copy of the original is verifiable
    • Your profile is perceived as trustworthy and reliable by employers
    • Recruitment process is faster and more secure


    Example of a Token-Certificate proof

    Click on the image

    How to get my Token-Certificates?

    1. Create your profile
    2. Order your Token-Certificate click here and send your documents at
    3. You will receive within 3 working days your Token-Certificates by email
    4. Update your profile using the links to your stored Token-Certificates and upload your certificates

    How does it work?

    A fingerprint of the validated document is entered in a public Blockchain and will remain there permanently. In order to verify a document’s authenticity, employers can compare its fingerprint with the one stored in the Blockchain and thus have proof of the document’s validity.

    In the aviation industry, the temporary employment of skilled workers such as pilots or maintenance technicians is widespread. In partnership with blockchain enterprise, the online platform simplifies the recruitment process by bringing together qualified professionals and employers. Leveraging its partnership, the company is now offering the opportunity to secure licenses and certificates authenticity using blockchain technology – fully automating the recruitment process and ensuring the reliability of credential documentation.

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