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    “Keep It Real” Makes Big Money


    By Ray Chow-Toun, CEO & Founder of Read original post here.


    In a previous post (introducing peer-to-peer (P2P) notarization), we discussed the following organic specifications of documents validated by using blockchain technology.


    With P2P notarization, any unaltered digital copy is considered the same as if we were using the original document, and actually this difference does not exist in the digital world. Unlike the physical world, authentic digital document does not need to be a unique original version but can be any exact cloned copy provided that the cryptographic hash function returns the same fingerprint for both the copy and the “original” initial version.

    File authenticity can be verified in few clicks, at any time and from anywhere as CVProof blockchain-based solutions operate. (check here a real sample).

    P2P notarization as performed on FileProof – the P2P network that CVProof belongs to –  is not limited to the file fingerprint. The validation provides a full set of additional information about the issuer and/or the validator(s) secure IDs and in some cases other optional information such as the validity period, or it can even be an annex describing / summarizing the validation criteria.     

    What can P2P notarization bring to certificate issuers (such as professional trainers)?

    Besides reputation protection concerns, certificate issuers have often to answer external verification requests costing significant time and resources. P2P notarization goes hand in hand with trustworthy decentralized verification system bypassing the need of going through middlemen to check certificates authenticity. For the equivalent service before blockchain P2P notarization, we would need to imagine a cost-effective mechanism allowing for each issued document:

    1. to get a notary stamp
    2. then to allow any end-user organization a convenient way to securely access the notary’s internal archives (24x7x365) in order to actually make the document verification, what we can from now do in only few clicks.    

    Issuers can leverage P2P validation framework to reduce their issuing general cost as no paper, no logistic and filing are required. It also presents the opportunity to increase productivity resulting from the high level of flexibility that a P2P platform brings to the validation workflow.     

    In some cases the P2P notarization can be the occasion to improve the Record Keeping organization of delivered certificates and most importantly to better control and monitor the internal signature, issuing and delegation policies.

    In addition, CVProof P2P notarization platform enables to easily manage inhomogeneous range of certificates in applying smart filters on unlimited type of variables and labels.    

    Last but not least, P2P notarization will in some cases bring new users to issuers early adopting token-certificate when soon more and more certificate recipients will be requested by their end-user organizations (e.g their employers) to provide such token-certificates.


    What can P2P notarized documents bring to end-user organizations (such as employers)?

    Whether we like it or not, almost all business sectors could be compared to public transport situation. We usually can only afford to do some erratic random “ticket controls” (should we decide to realize some verification) and the outcome is eloquent, fraud is everywhere, that’s just a matter of fact. Fighting against document authenticity issues has always been squaring the circle and P2P notarization can finally be considered as the innovation able to solve this real societal flaw, and at a massive scale. When infrastructure such as the subway installs secured gate to systematically check tickets, some travelers would still attempt to step across, that’s in our nature and the same happens even in strongly regulated markets.      

    Any end-user organization already spending efforts in real verification of documents authenticity can immediately reorganize and focus their quality department to other more valuable tasks while drastically reducing their vetting costs. For end-user organizations obliged to maintain a high level of quality in their documents authenticity, P2P notarization second most significant impact will be the increased speed of decision making and operational processes usually stuck into long and complex verification routines.   

    And for all other end-user organizations, say that “who can do more can do less”!

    P2P notarization increases security, speeds up decision and operational processes, all that at less (direct) costs while allowing in parallel immeasurable indirect savings.  


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